I bring 15 years of experience working at the university of Ottawa. My career has spanned in my 15 years working in Human Resources, uOttawa Library, and presently at Security Operation (Central IT).
The reason I would be a good candidate for the Board of Governors for the Support staff position is I will be able to ensure a perspective aligned with the uOttawa transformation 2030 pillars.
The changing educational landscape requires the university to pivot quickly embrace innovation to reduce operational costs and research. The introduction of technologies and processes that ensure students can graduate within a timely fashion. Ensuring a quality user experience when at the university.
The ability to leverage trending technologies like AI to further the reduction of costs for researchers and operations.
Aide in obtain a world stage for in research and innovation.
More Connected
Embrace the francophone, diversity, and indigenous culture at the university. Ensuring the ability to attract a diverse community for the university future.
Engage paths from all groups the ability to contribute the university community experience.
Ensure technology investments have return on investment and improve all users experiences when collaborating with university and wider on the global stage.
More Impactful
Work with university partners to strengthen the university brand. Ensuring a more robust classroom experience for our students and professors. Remove barriers that impact the learning experience. This will promote a richer learning experience which will increase the user experience. This will also improve our university ranking on the Canadian and world stage.
Be open to new sources of revenue for the university. Keep an open mind to take advantage of new trending technologies or cutting-edge teaching practices that could be adopted to provide a better future for the University of Ottawa.
Providing ways for faculties to generate healthy revenues and increase student admissions. Manage organizational risks that do not align with a sustainable future. Leverage cloud computing and emerging technologies that can benefit the experience of students, faculty, and researchers.
I work well in a team environment. I will be a candidate that will contribute to discussions to ensure that all considerations are made before a decision is rendered.
Thank you for your consideration