Need an Expert? COVID-19: Arrival of a vaccine

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Person being vaccinated
Person being vaccinated

Members of the media may directly contact the following experts:

A COVID-19 vaccine is expected to be available to Canadians in 2021. The following experts are available to comment on the topic.


Dr. Earl Brown (English only)

Emeritus Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine

[email protected]

Dr. Hugues Loemba (French only)

Clinician-researcher, family doctor and virologist. Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine

[email protected]



Dr. Alice Zwerling (English only)

Assistant Professor, School of Epidemiology and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine

[email protected]

Dr. Zwerling can speak to the logistical challenges that await, from transporting the vaccine to storage to administration of the vaccine.



Abel Brodeur (English and French)

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences

[email protected]

Professor Brodeur can speak to the economic impact a vaccine will have on the Canadian economy.


Serge Coulombe (English and French)

Full professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences

[email protected]

Professor Coulombe can discuss the impact of a COVID-19 vaccine on public politics and budgets.