Need an expert? COVID-19: Brazil’s governance of the pandemic

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A view of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
A view of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Members of the media may directly contact the following expert:

Michael Orsini (English and French)

Full Professor, Institute of Feminist and Gender Studies, School of Political Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences

[email protected]

“While it is challenging to prognosticate on Bolsonaro’s future, not to mention his recent positive COVID-19 test, what is most pressing here is to reflect on the corrosive effects of a government led by a President who is invested in promoting an approach to public health that is hostile to evidence, expertise and common sense. It is clear that the particular ‘publics’ who are left out of his skewed vision are those who are considered marginal and disposable.”

Excerpt from the article “Governing COVID-19 without government in Brazil: Ignorance, neoliberal authoritarianism, and the collapse of public health leadership co-authored by Michael Orsini, published in Global Public Health.