Paris Olympic/Paralympic Games: Mental health & athlete performance

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Academic experts available to provide context or comment on the following topic:

Paris Olympic/Paralympic Games: Mental health & athlete performance

Members of the media may directly contact:

Sommer Christie (English & French)

Assistant Professor, School of Human Kinetics, Faculty of Health Sciences

[email protected]

Professor Christie has worked as a mental performance consultant with various Team Canada groups (including Women’s hockey and wheelchair rugby) and can speak to performance psychology – from raising performance to mental skills and performance - at the Paris Olympics and Paralympic Games.

Natalie Durand-Bush (English & French)

Full Professor, School of Human Kinetics, Faculty of Health Sciences

[email protected](available from July 27)

Professor Durand-Bush specializes in mental skills training and assessment, mental health, and coaching psychology. Professor Durand-Bush is also the executive director of the Canadian Centre for Mental Health and Sport (CCMHS), a specialized centre providing sport-informed mental health care, educational programs, and resources to competitive and high-performance athletes, coaches, and support staff.