Need an expert? UN vote for non-permanent seats on Security Council

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Canada is seeking a non-permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council. Voting will take place Wednesday. Canada is up against Ireland and Norway for two available seats on the Council.

Allan Rock (English and French)
Full professor, Faculty of Law, Common Law Section
Dr. Rock was appointed in 2003 as Canadian Ambassador to the United Nations in New York during a period that involved responding to several complex regional conflicts, including those in Sri Lanka, Democratic Republic of Congo and Darfur. He led the successful Canadian effort in New York to secure, at the 2005 World Summit, the unanimous adoption by UN member states of The Responsibility to Protect populations from genocide, ethnic cleansing and other mass atrocities. He later served as a Special Envoy for the United Nations investigating the unlawful use of child soldiers in Sri Lanka during its civil war.

Saeid Mirzaei Yengejeh (English only)
Part-time Professor, Faculty of Law, Common Law Section
[email protected]

Dr. Mirzaei has over 30 years of experience at the United Nations, as an international civil servant and a governmental representative. He has been teaching a seminar on Documenting the UN Practice at uOttawa University since 2010. He has also been teaching the Law of International Organizations since 2012. He organized with the participation of the students enrolled in this course simulated meetings of the Security Council in 2018 and 2019, devoted to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons in North Korea and the war in Yemen, among others.

Marcel Jesenský (English and French)
Part-time Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Arts
[email protected]

Dr. Jesenský is a historian of international relations and diplomacy, his research focuses on multilateral diplomacy in the 20th century, in particular the United Nations.