The Collaborative Critical Research for Equity and Transformation in Health (CO-CREATH) Lab at the University of Ottawa and the Canadians of African Descent Health Organization (CADHO) are launching the ACB Vaccine Acceptance (AVA) project.
The AVA is aproposed two-year community-based participatory research that seeks to optimize vaccine uptake in the African, Caribbean, and Black (ACB) community in the Ottawa Capital region through meaningful community and providers engagement in the design, implementation and evaluation of vaccine promotion and knowledge translation interventions. There is a need for ACB people to be a priority population group to receive the COVID-19 vaccination, since they are among the populations hit hardest by the disease.
What: African, Caribbean and Black Vaccine Acceptance (AVA) Project Launch: Optimizing vaccine acceptance and uptake among African, Caribbean, and Black (ACB) communities in Ottawa
- Dr. Josephine Etowa, Project lead. Full Professor, School of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa (welcome remarks)
- Lucie Thibault, Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa (welcome remarks)
- Martine Lagacé, Associate Vice-President, Research Promotion and Development, University of Ottawa (welcome remarks)
- Dr. Vera Etches, Medical Officer of Health for Ottawa Public Health (OPH) (welcome remarks)
- Dr. Hugues Loemba, Associate Professor, Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa (panellist, ACB Leader Panel – No mandatory restrictions: does vaccination still matter?)
When: Tuesday, March 29, 2022, via Zoom, 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Media inquiries: [email protected]