The University of Ottawa's School of Music and the Chœur classique de l’Outaouais, in conjunction with the University of Ottawa Choir, will present their first joint concert where over 150 choristers and six soloists will perform in Ottawa on November 16, and in Gatineau on November 17. This choral event is one in the series of concerts presented by the University of Ottawa's School of Music to mark its 50th anniversary.
The first half of the concert will allow each of the four choirs to take centre stage, and the audience will be able to enjoy each choir’s individual musical colour and repertoire through the wide and surprising variety of compositions on the program. The four choirs to perform are the Calixa Lavallée Ensemble and the Choral Ensemble, both directed by Laurence Ewashko, the University of Ottawa Choir, directed by Robert Filion, and the Chœur classique de l’Outaouais, directed by Tiphaine Legrand.
In the second part, some 100 choir members will perform Vivaldi's Beatus Vir, a polychoral masterpiece that is rarely performed because it requires many vocalists. The singers will be divided into two choirs that echo each other, under the direction of Laurence Ewashko. Six soloists from the University of Ottawa's School of Music will complete the cast of performers.
- Choral Ensemble (University of Ottawa School of Music)
- Calixa-Lavallée Ensemble (University of Ottawa School of Music)
- Chœur classique de l'Outaouais
- University of Ottawa Choir
WHAT: Joint concert organized by the University of Ottawa's School of Music and the Choeur classique de l’Outaouais, in conjunction with the University of Ottawa Choir.
WHEN: Saturday, November 16, 2019, at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, November 17, 2019, at 3:30 p.m.
Saturday, November 16: St-Joseph’s Church, 174 Wilbrod St., Ottawa, ON | Map
Sunday, November 17: Saint-François-de-Sales Church, 799 Jacques-Cartier St, Gatineau, QC | Map
For more information: https://choeurclassiqueoutaouais.ca/cco/actualites/LivretProgramme-Dec2019-condens%C3%A9.pdf
RSVP: Please confirm your attendance by email to [email protected] or [email protected]
For media inquiries:
Justine Boutet
Media Relations Officer