Message to the community following the OC Transpo bus accident
The University of Ottawa community was shocked and dismayed to learn of the OC Transpo bus crash that took place last Friday. Our thoughts go out to the families and friends of those involved in this tragic accident.
The Ottawa Police Service (OPS) is pursuing its investigation and is asking anyone who might have left the scene, or who has information about this accident, to contact the OPS at (613) 236-1222, extension 2481.
The University continues to monitor the situation closely and encourages its community members who feel the need to contact support services to do so.
The City of Ottawa has set up an information hotline for families of the victims: call 1-855-797-8875.
The following services are also available:
ConnexOntario (mental health hotline): 1-866-531-2600
Mental Health Crisis Team: 613-722-6914 (Ottawa) or 1-866-996-0991 (outside Ottawa)
Ottawa Distress Centre: 613-238-3311
Tel-Aide Outaouais: 819-775-3223 (in French)
On campus, students can contact the Student Academic Support Service (SASS) to obtain counselling services.
University of Ottawa employees can receive help from the Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP). For further information, log into the EFAP website (enter University of Ottawa as your organization) or make an appointment by calling 1-844-880-9143.