Ottawa, November 12, 2021 — The University of Ottawa congratulates the board of governors, leadership team, staff, faculty and students of the Université de l’Ontario français (UOF) on the official opening of their institution. The UOF will increase French-language program offerings, thus making postsecondary education accessible to more Francophones in Ontario. The creation of this postsecondary institution is a further step towards building the French-language education continuum.
“Today, UOF begins a new chapter in the history of French Ontario,” said Jacques Frémont, president and vice-chancellor of the University of Ottawa. “The creation of the Université de l’Ontario français represents a real commitment towards the Franco-Ontarian community. By offering education and disseminating knowledge in French, the UOF will contribute to the vitality of francophone minorities in Canada. I would like to congratulate everyone involved in achieving this dream and bringing about this historic day.”
In recent years, the University of Ottawa has worked actively with the UOF in various areas, so that this new university could quickly offer students a high-quality experience. By combining our efforts, we enable our universities to face any headwinds while offering our respective communities a truly rewarding experience.
“The Université de l’Ontario français is the safeguard needed for the sustainability of the Franco-Ontarian community and it will provide the tools to enable intergenerational transmission of the French language and culture in a minority setting,” said Sanni Yaya, vice-president, International and Francophonie, at the University of Ottawa. “There’s been a long-standing advocacy for a university run by Francophones. Deeply rooted in the community, UOF is a societal undertaking that has come about through long-term, tireless efforts. It will add to the growth of French Ontario.”
We renew our commitment to work alongside the UOF and other key players in French-language postsecondary education to support the sustainability of the francophone communities in Ontario.
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