The University of Ottawa, and some 80 members of its research community, is proud to take an active part in the 88th Conference of the Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS), which will take place virtually from May 3 to 7, 2021. The event is a crossroads of multidisciplinary scientific exchange.
Representatives from all the faculties will share their research at this flagship event, where thousands of academics from the Canadian and international francophone community converge each year.
We are delighted to see a large number of faculty representatives from the University of Ottawa, which attests to the strong ties that our institution, our faculty, and our students have with their Quebec partners and those from all over the Canadian and international Francophonie.
As part of the theme entitled "In a man's world: women, archives and the history of the printed word in Quebec", Professor Lucie Hotte, Director of the Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne française (CRCCF), will preside over the debate on the place of women in the history of the book in Quebec.
Professor Stéphanie Gaudet, head of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Citizenship and Minorities (CIRCEM), will present her partnership project on education and democracy, a study highlighting the contribution of programs initiated by the community to the education of young people to active citizenship.
Professor Thomas Burelli, who directs the Centre for Environmental Law and Global Sustainability (CELG), will speak in the section "Indigenous Peoples and the State: What Emancipation in Legal and Political Spaces?" to explore the power of action of communities.
We renew our commitment to support this historic Francophone conference, which the University of Ottawa has hosted since 1940.
We wish all participants a very productive conference.
For more information: [email protected]