This investment will greatly accelerate the work begun by the Office of the Vice-President, International and Francophonie, since its inception.
The funding announced today will enable the University to not only speed up the hiring of new professors, but also improve the number and quality of programs offered in French, thereby providing an exceptional learning environment for Francophone students. Moreover, it will boost the revitalization of community life so that the Francophonie can thrive on campus and beyond.
This news could not come at a better time, since the celebrations of the Mois de la Francophonie are in full swing. More than ever, we must highlight the traditions, richness, and strengths of the French language throughout the province, and promote the hard-earned rights of Francophone communities wherever higher education in French needs support.
The University of Ottawa renews its commitment to providing a sustainable, strong, and adaptive response to its vision of the Francophonie on campus so that it can fully embrace its role in higher education within the Francophonie in Canada and abroad

“In keeping with its mission, the University of Ottawa wants to translate its words into action.”
Jacques Frémont, President and Vice-Chancellor
“In keeping with its mission, the University of Ottawa wants to translate its words into action. We need to continuously invest in the Francophonie on campus in order to increase the number of undergraduate programs offered in French; breathe new life into our bilingual communications; strengthen our ties with other Francophone stakeholders while also respecting their diversity; and increase the presence and influence of the University of Ottawa in Canada and around the world.”
- Jacques Frémont, President and Vice-Chancellor

“Today, the University of Ottawa is taking bold action in some priority areas to meet the needs of its Francophone community, which rather than seeking to reinvent the world, is simply trying to find...”
Sanni Yaya Vice-President, International and Francophonie
“More than ever, we need concrete action, rather than hollow promises, to continue to make French a language of science and culture. The vitality of the Francophonie in daily life requires us to commit significant funding, without which this Francophonie is condemned to remain wishful thinking at best and empty promises at worst. Today, the University of Ottawa is taking bold action in some priority areas to meet the needs of its Francophone community, which rather than seeking to reinvent the world, is simply trying to find its place within it. The success of thousands of University students, and the vitality of Francophone communities across Canada, depend on such actions.”
- Sanni Yaya, Vice-President, International and Francophonie
This investment will support the renewal of the Francophonie on campus. The University of Ottawa intends to promote a vision of the Francophonie in constant evolution, one that serves as a stable, enduring institutional bastion of the Francophonie in Ontario, across Canada, and around the world.
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