Monique F. Leroux
Monique F. Leroux
DUniv. 2012

Monique F. Leroux has been President and Chief Executive Officer of Desjardins Group, the largest cooperative financial group in Canada, since 2008. Prior to joining Desjardins in 2001, she held senior positions with Quebecor Inc., the large multimedia group, and the Royal Bank, as well as with the international accounting firm Ernst & Young. She also holds positions on many national and international boards, including the European Association of Co-operative Banks and the International Confederation of Popular Banks, and serves as President of the Sherbrooke 2013 Canada Games executive committee. She is a former president of the Ordre des comptables agréés du Québec. In 2010, Monique F. Leroux was named one of 25 Transformational Canadians by the Globe and Mail, CTV and La Presse.