A discussion on disinformation, journalism and democracy
Moderator: Annie Hudon-Friceau (BA ’95) is a journalist working on two Radio-Canada programs: La facture and Enquête. She completed a bachelor’s degree in communication at uOttawa before embarking on a 30-year career in journalism. After working in Ottawa and Toronto, she moved to Montreal to work on a TV program called Branché. She then moved on to various positions, including as a journalist for Enjeux, as a journalist and presenter for ICI RDI, as a correspondent for TV5, and as a reporter for several public affairs programs.

Serge Blais (BA '84, EMBA '11)
Serge Blais (BA '84, EMBA '11) is Executive Director at the University of Ottawa Professional Development Institute. He is a founder of the institute's Information Integrity Lab, focused on better understanding and countering disinformation, and limiting its negative effects on democratic institutions, large and small enterprises, and private citizens.

Marie-Maude Denis
Marie-Maude Denis is a journalist and host of Enquête, a Radio-Canada TV program. A native of Sudbury, Ontario, Marie-Maude studied political science, communications and theatre at the University of Ottawa. During her career of over 20 years, she has won several awards, including three Judith Jasmin prizes and the Charles Bury prize for her defence of press freedom.

Alexis De Lancer
Alexis De Lancer is a journalist and host of two Radio-Canada programs: Décrypteurs and Ça s’explique. He has been a reporter, columnist, and anchor, and was a special correspondent to Washington for Trump’s investiture and to the Olympic Games in Rio and in Pyeongchang. Alexis is an expert in the field of disinformation and is known for his commitment to media education and digital literacy.
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