Feed your Entrepreneurial Mindset : a Guide to uOttawa’s Dynamic Entrepreneurial Courses

Career and experiential learning 
Entrepreneurship Hub
Student experience

By Samia Acherki

Assistante de marketing | Marketing Assistant, Carrefour de l'entrepreneuriat | Entrepreneurship Hub

Student staring at laptop screen.
Are you eager to infuse your learning experience with an entrepreneurial edge?

If you're aiming to cultivate a mindset primed for innovation without immediately plunging into the business arena, get ready for an enriching experience! The University of Ottawa offers range of courses and resources designed to equip you with the skills and tools essential for thriving in the dynamic landscape of entrepreneurship.

Make the most of your post-secondary experience by nurturing your entrepreneurial spirit.

Elective Courses

There are a number of elective courses for you to choose from to start exploring the basics of entrepreneurship:

AHL 2300: Introduction to Community Engagement

Take an interdisciplinary approach to civic and community engagement. Lay the foundations for experiential learning by developing reflexive practice and critical thinking skills.

ADM 2313: The Entrepreneurial Society

Explore the entrepreneurial process, characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, and more.

AHL 3300: Creativity and Innovation

Tap into your creative side with this interdisciplinary course. Develop techniques and skills to enhance the flexibility and originality of your thinking. 

ADM 3313: New Venture Creation

Dive deep into ideation, business modeling, and validation. Craft your business idea, build a robust business model, and develop a comprehensive business plan.

ADM 4903: New Venture Creation Practicum

Embark on a work term directly involved in an innovative new enterprise. From creating a new product or service to developing a business plan, this practicum provides hands-on experience under the supervision of a professor.

Program specific courses

GNG 1103 Engineering Design

A hands-on, team-based introduction to engineering design for engineers and computer scientists. Topics include design thinking, engineering design process, prototyping, engineering economics, safety, ethics and project management.

GNG 2101 Introduction to Product Development and Management for Engineers and Computer Scientists

A hands-on, team-based introduction to product development and management principles for engineers and computer scientists and their impact on social and economic aspects of engineering practice.

GNG 4120 Technology Entrepreneurship for Engineers and Computer Scientists

Hands-on introduction to the many dimensions of starting and growing a technology company. How to evaluate market opportunities, develop a product that customers need, raise capital and build a winning team. Skills and tools to turn technical ideas into profitable sustainable businesses.

SCI 4910 Science Entrepreneurship

The entrepreneurial process within Science: ideation, intellectual property, business model, customer validation, and other topics related to science entrepreneurship.


ADM 3396 M Hands-on coding for business (W. Van Woensel)

The course is targeted to business students with little or no programming experience. It seeks to provide students with an understanding of how programming can solve practical business problems

ADM 4396 M, Personal Development and Leadership (Matt Archibald)

This facilitator-driven seminar introduces students to important aspects related to personal and leadership development and will broaden students’ awareness in topics related to career development, leadership skills, self and balance, and community involvement.

To be admitted into this course, please send your resume to Mr. Matthew Archibald ([email protected]).

Taking it a Step further

For those with a curious mind, consider integrating the Entrepreneurship, Creativity, and Social Innovation Option or the Science Entrepreneurship Option into your program of studies.

Beyond the Classroom

If your course sequence has limited flexibility, fear not! The Entrepreneurial Mindset Certificate (EMC) offers three streams to help you develop an entrepreneurial way of thinking beyond the classroom. Enroll and attend five workshops from all three streams to complete the requirements.

Enrolment is offered on an ongoing basis, so you can register anytime!

Have questions or want more information about entrepreneurial support beyond the classroom? Reach out to us at [email protected].