Prior to submitting an appeal to the U-Pass Appeals Committee, students must first have submitted and have been denied a U-Pass exemption request.
- To submit an appeal to the U-Pass Appeals Committee, you must send an email to the uOttawa Card Service at [email protected]. The email subject must be: U-Pass Appeal Request.
- In your appeal, include a letter detailing all circumstances surrounding the matter you are appealing, the basis for the appeal, i.e. the reasons why the denial by the uOttawa Card Service should be reversed or modified, and the solution sought. You should attach all supporting documentation (third-party letter, etc.) and or proof to support your claim along with your letter.
- Make sure to include your contact information so that you may be contacted should additional information be required:
- Student number
- Mailing address
- Telephone number
- E-mail address
- Additional information requested in writing by the committee must be submitted within 7 calendars days, failure to meet this timeline will result in your appeal to be rejected to which you cannot re-appeal.
- Appeals must be submitted by the students. Appeals submitted by others on behalf of a registered student will not be considered.
- As soon as your appeal is received, a copy of all the documentation will be provided to the members of the U-Pass Appeals committee.
- You can appeal an exemption denial that applies to the current term or previous term.
- The U-Pass Appeal Committee has one month to review your appeal request and provide you with its decision by email.
- You will receive an email with the decision the week following the meeting where your appeal was presented. Occasionally, however, should the Committee decide that more information is required before it can rule; in these cases, the decision is rendered at the next meeting.
- Please note that registration periods and the beginning of a new session are particularly busy and may result in longer wait times.
- The Committee's decision is final and cannot be further appealed.
- Appeals will be evaluated on the existing conditions as negotiated within the U-Pass agreement. The committee has no right or mandate to modify/change the existing conditions of the agreement and base their final decision on the agreement and specific agreement clauses in place as they relate to your exemption request.
- Should you decide to withdraw your appeal, you must email the uOttawa Card Service. Otherwise, the process will follow its course and the Committee will make a decision on your appeal.
- If the appeal is successful, students will be provided on what basis it was successful. U-Pass credits will be applied on the date in which the exemption request was denied. Students may receive pro-rated refunds. Refunds may be applied using another method than credits on your statement of account.