Museu da Pessoa


This talk will present, through the journey of the Museum of the Person (Brazil), how Social Memory Technology can be used to promote oral history and the right to memory to any and every person and among diverse social groups and communities. Some basic principles and dynamics of the oral history method together with case studies on how this has been used in Brazil in public schools, grassroots communities, civil society organizations and indigenous groups will be presented and discussed.

Karen Worcman

Karen Worcman

Founder, Curator and Director of the Instituto Museu da Pessoa

Karen Worcman is a historian with a postgraduate degree in Linguistics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and a PhD in Sciences from the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program Humanities, Rights and Other Legitimacies, Diversitas at the University of São Paulo (USP). She is also a member of the research group on Human Rights, Democracy, Politics and Memory of the Institute of Advanced Studies (IEA - USP). She is an Ashoka Fellow since 1999. She served as a Storytelling Collector for the Wellbeing Project, was on the Ethics Committee of the Memory Studies Association and is a board member of several organizations such as the International Editorial Board, and the Journal of Memory, Mind & Media of Cambridge University.  She is the founder, curator and director of Instituto Museu da Pessoa.

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Faculty of Education @uOttawaEdu
Museu da pessoa @museudapessoa
Thinking Historically for Canada's Future @ThinkHist

If you require accommodation, please contact the event host as soon as possible.
Date and time
Jun 9, 2023
All day
Format and location
Lamoureux Hall (LMX)
LMX 477