APPARTENANCES, MARCHES ET MOBILITÉS, Penser la valeur des langues

Faculty of Social Sciences
Books and literature
5 women holding signs they have written facing the camera
We are pleased to announce the publication of the collective "Appartenances, marchés et mobilités : Penser la valeur des langues" by Éditions l'Harmattan. This collective, edited by Luc Léger (University of Ottawa), Mireille McLaughlin (University of Ottawa) and Emilie Urbain (Carleton University), brings together texts by the following authors: José Arellano, Ali Becetti, Ouahiba Benbakkar, Hélène Blondeau, Marc Debono, Anne-Laure Dotte, Pascale Erhart, Véronique Fillol, Stéphanie Geneix-Rabault, Valérie Langbach, Gudrun Ledegen, Matthieu Marchadour, Marinette Matthey, Danielle Omer, Bénédicte Pivot, Coraline Pradeau, Pauline Rannou, Elatiana Razafimandimbimanana, Zorana Sokolovska, Sandra Tomc, Mieke Vandenbroucke, Beatriz Villa, Valeria Villa-Perez, Isabelle Violette, Fabrice Wacalie, Adam Wilson and Anne-Christel Zeiter.

For more information on the collective or to order copies, please consult the publication notice on the L'Harmanttan website.