The School of Social Work will launch its new microprogram in Fall 2024

Faculty of Social Sciences
School of Social Work
Two parents kissing child
The University of Ottawa’s School of Social Work is recruiting!

Its brand new microprogram (in French) : Development of Indigenous Family-Childhood Services – Foundations for Practice (in anicinape) : Mizimizide nanda kikenindjigani pagidinigewin ondje Wìyagi iji Anishinàbe Odeg Abinòdjìnshi Wìdòkàzowin contains 3 courses for a total of 9 credits. One course per session will be offered starting in Fall 2024. The microprogram is designed to meet the needs of Indigenous communities that, following the coming into force in 2020 of the federal Bill C-92 and recent legislative changes, are developing or wish to develop their own child and family support systems. You can view Professor Cyndy Wylde's interview (in French) on APTN.