Successful mini-retreat on the Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Initiative at the Faculty of Medicine

Faculty of Medicine
Research and Innovation
Artificial Intelligence
FoM Logo with purple background
Artificial Intelligence has been identified as an emerging research priority area for the Faculty of Medicine in its 2020-25 Strategic Plan.

The Faculty has already dedicated significant resources towards advancing this emerging research area, including several key recruitments and allocation of Canada Research Chairs, as well as launching the ‘FoM Inaugural Artificial Intelligence Seed Funding Program’ to support 5 excellent research projects.

To further build on this momentum, the Faculty organized a half-day retreat that took place on April 28th, 2022 with delegates from the clinical and basic science departments and affiliated research institutes to discuss the opportunities and challenges related to the development of the Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Initiative at the Faculty of Medicine.  After Dr. Côté provided a summary of progress made to date, followed by a survey of additional recent advances from AI expert Dr. Doug Manuel, participants were guided through a SWOT analysis and visioning exercise by facilitator Erik Lockhart.  These discussions led to the identification of 4 key priorities for the next 12-18 months.

This successful retreat is a testament to the strong interest and engagement of the broader Faculty of Medicine community toward shaping and achieving a unified vision for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine & Health.