Overcome procrastination and isolation with the Writing Cafés

students studying
The fall 2023 Writing Cafés series will take place at the Morisset Library (MRT144), on Wednesdays, from September 20 to December 6.

Academic writing can be a big challenge for some students. Lack of motivation, poor time management, and lack of proper tools can lead to procrastination, isolation, and stress.

To encourage and optimize writing, it is recommended to schedule writing periods like other commitments such as work, classes, and social activities (Murray, 2015). These periods must take place in an environment free of potential distractions, such as social medias, and in a space reserved exclusively for writing.

To eradicate beliefs that writing is a solitary task, we can view writing as a social experience by participating in group writing sessions, support groups, and structured retreats. Relationships formed with others who also recognize the importance of writing help increase motivation, maintain an effective writing pace, and advance academic projects (Murray, 2015).

Writing as a cognitive, physical, and social practice

In partnership with the Academic Writing Help Centre (AWHC), the Library's weekly Writing Cafés will offer graduate students a space and time to write in a social and physical environment favorable to concentration and academic success. We aim to meet specific needs of graduate students, namely, to break isolation and promote networking and belonging to a community with other graduate students. 

The Writing Cafés will also be an opportunity for students to learn more about time management, stress management, setting writing goals, writing tools, research, citations, and more. Experts from the Library and AWHC will be on-site to support you.

Writing Cafés Schedule – Fall 2023

  • 9:00 a.m. – Welcome and short thematic presentation of the week
  • 9:20 a.m. – SMART goals setting (10 min)
  • 9:30 a.m. – Focused writing work (45min)
  • 10:15 a.m. – Break (5 min)
  • 10:20 a.m. – Focused writing work (45 min)
  • 11:05 a.m. – Break (5 min)
  • 11:10 a.m. – Focused writing work (45 min)
  • 11:55 a.m. – Short discussion about writing and goals accomplished
  • 12:00 p.m. – Conclusion of the activity

Happy writing!

Murray, R. (2015). Writing in Social Spaces: A Social Processes Approach to Academic Writing. Routledge and the Society for Research into Higher Education.