Des personnes assisses autour d'une table au Centre de ressources Julien-Couture

How it works

Choose from our library the “living book" you wish to borrow. Engage in conversation with your book for about 10-15 minutes. Once you are done, return it to the library and if you wish to continue, borrow another one! 

Stories are eager to be shared and new connections are ready to be made. This event is a great opportunity to learn about our diverse uOttawa community in an engaging and creative way. The European Day of Languages is spearheaded by the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML). OLBI is proud to be ECML’s designated point of contact in Canada.

Take a glimpse into what our Human Library has to offer.

Date and time
Sep 26, 2023
11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Format and location
In person
Hamelin Hall (MHN)
At the Julien Couture Resource Centre (MHN 02)
Undergraduate students, Graduate students, Faculty and staff