The Net-amorphosis of Legacy Media
This year, we welcome Professor Pierre C. Bélanger, who recently retired from the Department of Communication at the University of Ottawa. An internationally recognized expert on the impact of emerging information and communication technologies on legacy media (radio, television, newspapers) and on Canada’s broadcasting and telecommunications policies, Professor Bélanger will explore three themes — legacy media, telecommunications, and media regulation in Canada and Europe —to help us better understand the disruptive potential of emerging digital content on traditional business models and cultural practices.
Although registration is free, seating is limited. Wine and cheese will be offered after the lecture.

Pierre C. Bélanger
Department of Communication
Up until June 30 of this year, Pierre C. Bélanger has been a Full Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Ottawa, from which he recently retired. His career spans 33 years, during which he was also cross-appointed to the Institute of Canadian Studies and the School of Information Studies at the University of Ottawa.
Dr. Bélanger specializes in Canadian media and telecommunications industries and regulations, as well as in the sociology of technological innovations.
Between 1998 and 2001, Professor Bélanger was on secondment to CBC/Société Radio-Canada where he worked as Director of New Media for Radio-Canada. He also was associated with Astral Media (today Bell Media) for 8 years as Chief Advisor-New Media Development.
Over the course of his career, he has given some 650 media interviews on Canadian broadcasting and telecommunications policies and developments and delivered over 200 conferences, both nationally and internationally.
He is the recipient of University of Ottawa’s Excellence in Education Award for the quality of his instruction and research program as well as University of Montreal's Graduate of Merit Award for exemplary contribution to the advancement of society.
He has recently been awarded the title of Professor Emeritus from the Faculty of Arts.