The Faculty is proud to announce the recipients for the year 2023.
Professor of the Year Award

Nicole St-Onge is a professor in the Department of History. She completed a PhD in history at the University of Manitoba in 1990, during which she examined the development of Plains Métis identity by focusing on the historical trade centre of Saint-Laurent, Manitoba, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Her fields of expertise have expanded to include the broader fur trade of the Great Lakes and the Northwest, the history of the Métis, as well as theoretical approaches of ethnohistory and micro-history.
Professor St-Onge is an outstanding contributor to the life of the Department of History, to the work of the Faculty, and of the University at large, as well as to multiple constituencies in communities outside academia. She makes contributions of inestimable value as both a teacher and a scholar. As a historian of Metis identity, working collaboratively with counterparts in Metis communities, she has helped bring to light narratives that otherwise languished in the shadows.
Professor St. Onge is not only a teacher, scholar, and colleague, but also a unique individual. She is intellectually curious and generous, ready to spin around in her chair to engage in spontaneous troubleshooting on which source in early North American history might best breathe life into discussions for a first-year global history course. She is also creative, working with colleagues across disciplinary borders elsewhere at the University and farther afield, whether in Ontario and Far North communities or in government departments.
Distinguished Teaching Award (part-time)

This award is presented to a regular or part-time professor in the Faculty of Arts who has excelled in teaching and has made a significant contribution to enriching their students’ university experience.
Cristina S. Martinez holds a PhD in art history and law from Birkbeck College, University of London, and completed a two-year postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Toronto. She is an adjunct professor in the Department of Visual Arts. She has been an integral part of the Department for the past decade and her contributions are manifold and impactful.
Professor Martinez has taught a range of subjects, including in her specialty of art, law, and appropriation, and in both official languages. She has a broad range of knowledge and infuses her courses with a vigorous understanding of aesthetic theory, which she brings to both undergraduate and graduate programs.
“Dr. Martinez has become a central figure amongst the Visual Arts faculty members, bringing academic integrity and inspiration to both professors and students alike. It is no underestimation that Dr. Martinez has proven to be one of the most intellectually vigorous, dynamic, and committed members of the department’s faculty.”
- Jakub Zdebik, Chair, Visual Arts Department
Early Researcher of the Year Award

Claudia Bouliane teaches in the Département de français, where she specializes in French literature of the 20th century. She completed her doctorate in French literature at McGill University in 2015. Her research focuses mainly on sociological criticism, the social phenomenon of mass tourism and the environment in literature.
The diversity, scope and high quality of Professor Bouliane’s research is remarkable.
“Claudia Bouliane’s major contributions to research and her exceptional ability to mobilize and inspire the next generation make her a first-rate researcher. We are very proud of our colleague!”
- Mawy Bouchard, director of the Département de français
Support Staff Award of Excellence

Marie-France Lacasse works at the Undergraduate Studies Office as supervisor of academic services. In 2022, and especially that summer, the Office underwent an incredibly difficult and challenging time, and Marie-France never hesitated to step up to take the reins, without being asked. She quickly and efficiently analyzed the situation and made several critical decisions to keep the office operating. She clearly worked well beyond the expectations and limits of her position in the spirit of supporting the team at all costs. In addition to her corporate memory and in-depth knowledge of Faculty operations, she has a sense of duty and team spirit that make her a prime candidate for the Support Staff Award of Excellence.
“Marie-France is a leader that I am overjoyed to work with. Her care and loyalty towards the team, students, professors and the Faculty are unparalleled. She exudes excellence and passion for everything she does and went above-and-beyond during a very challenging time for the Undergraduate Studies Office during the summer of 2022. Congratulations Marie-France!”
- Christine MacGregor, Manager, Academic Administration
Faculty of Arts Alumnus/Alumna of the year Award

The Alumnus/Alumna of the Year Award recognizes the outstanding achievement of one of our alumni members within the last year. Consideration is given to alumni who have won honours in their field or who have been recognized nationally or internationally.
Award for Commitment to the Faculty of Arts

This award recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to the advancement of the Faculty of Arts through their dedication, generosity and commitment to its values.