Suggested course sequence
4 years / 120 course units
Joint Honours BA in History and Political Science
Year |
Fall |
Winter |
1st year (30 course units) |
- ENG1100
- 3 course units from: PHI1101 or PHI1301
- 3 course units in History (HIS) in Methodology (M)
- POL1101
- 3 elective course units
- 3 course units from: AHL1100, AHL1900, ENG1120 or ENG11211
- 3 course units from: AHL1100, AHL1900, PHI1102, PHI1103, PHI1104 or PHI13021
- 3 optional course units in History (HIS) at the 2000 or 3000 level2
- POL2101
- 3 elective course units
2nd year (30 course units) |
- 3 optional course units in History (HIS) at the 2000 or 3000 level2
- 3 optional course units in History (HIS)
- POL2103
- POL2107
- POL2156
- 3 optional course units in History (HIS) at the 2000 or 3000 level2
- 3 optional course units in History (HIS) at the 3000 level
- POL2104
- POL2108
- 3 elective course units
3rd year (30 course units) |
- 3 optional course units in History (HIS) at the 2000 or 3000 level2
- 3 optional course units in History (HIS)
- POL3102
- 3 course units from: POL3370 or POL3371
- 3 optional course units from the Canadian Politics group3
- 3 optional course units in History (HIS) at the 3000 level
- 3 optional course units in History (HIS)
- 3 optional course units in Politics (POL)
- 3 course units from the Comparative Politics group3
- 3 elective course units
4th year (30 course units) |
- 3 optional course units in History (HIS) at the 3000 level
- 6 optional course units in History (HIS) at the 4000 level4
- 3 optional course units in Politics (POL) at the 4000 level
- 3 course units from: POL4310, POL4320, POL4330 or POL4350
- 3 optional course units in History (HIS) at the 3000 level
- 6 optional course units in History (HIS) at the 4000 level4
- 3 optional course units in Politics (POL) at the 4000 level
- 3 optional course units from the International Relations group3
1 AHL1100 and AHL1900 have variable topics.Students may take these courses twice.
2 3 course units in History (HIS) in each of the categories : Canadian History (C), United States History (A), European History (E) and Non-Western History (N). See reference - Course Calendar.
3 See References - Program Requirements.
4 At least one seminar in History.
Program Structures
Program Requirements
Course Catalogue
Course Timetable
Course Sequences Past Years