Professor Alain Essaddam holds a doctorate in mathematics teaching and a master's degree in education sciences : Métiers de l'enseignement, de l'éducation et de la formation en mathématiques from the University of Nantes in France. Professor Essaddam has been teaching mathematics in France, and has accompanied students with learning difficulties in mathematics in France and Canada. One of his research interests concerns the relationship between math and sciences. He is developing an auxiliary ortho-didactic system on the periphery of classroom math and science teaching. Through this system, certain mathematical notions are questioned with regard to their use in science. In addition, he is interested in studying student stress in relation to mathematics learning, and in exploring remedial approaches within the Labo Stress: Cognition and learning project. He is also interested in mathematical knowledge in everyday contexts, in relation to a given culture. He has carried out study trips on the teaching and learning of mathematics in Asia (China, Japan) and Australia, as well as in the USA and India. In 2019, he was guest speaker at the inauguration of the Laboratoire Mathématiques (a recommendation of MP and Fields medalist Mr. Villani) at the Lycée Jeanne d'Albret in France.
Alain Essaddam

Journals & other
Essaddam, A., Ouimet, L., Mujawamariya, D. (2013). Faire réussir les élèves en mathématiques et en sciences : l’intégration des contenus académiques par l’approche PRI. In Métioui, A., Samson, G. et Lequin, Y-C (Eds.), De l’histoire pour enseigner les sciences ! Presses de l’Université de technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard : Collection Didactique et Humanités.
Essaddam, A., Ouimet, L., Mujawamariya, D. (2011). L’erreur en sciences ou la perte de sens chez l’élève ? Revue Spectre. Numéro thématique sur « La place de l’histoire dans l’enseignement des sciences », vol. 41 (1), 25-27.
Research interests
- Filiation mathematics & sciences
- Difficulties in teaching mathematics
- Difficulties in learning mathematics
- Impact of stress on learning mathematics
- Design of manipulatives (mathematical objects to be manipulated) for primary and secondary levels
- History of mathematics
- Mathematics and culture (ethnomathematic)