Amal Boultif holds a Bachelor's degree in French literature teaching, a Master's degree in French didactics and a Doctorate in education from the Université du Québec à Montréal. Her research focuses on creative writing, spoken word poetry workshops and writing motivation. Her research interests include writing and reading difficulties as well as the integration of multimodal approaches and information technologies in French-language teaching and learning. She is also interested in the pre-service and in-service training of teachers, in their perception of self-efficacy, in relation to their writing skills and their attitudes towards writing. Professor Boultif is a member of CHENINE research team.
Amal Boultif

Journals & other
Ouellet, C. & Boultif, A. (2022). Outcomes of slam writing workshops for haitian students at the end of elementary school, Education and New Developments.
Boultif, A. & Crettenand Pecorini, B. (2021). Un état des lieux des usages de la littératie médiatique multimodale en contexte numérique (LMM@), Revue de recherches en littératie médiatique multimodale, 14.
Ouellet, C., Boultif, A. & Dubeau, A. (2020). Le journal de bord comme outil d’accompagnement d’enseignants en formation professionnelle intégrant une approche favorisant la compréhension en lecture, Formation et profession, 28 (1), 69-80.