
This conference aims to present the results of the evaluation of a virtual leadership coaching program offered by the AQPDE and the Académie des directions d'établissement scolaire. The evaluation team will present the results of the evaluation of a pilot project of virtual coaching for the individual support of the professional development of six managers. They will discuss the in-depth virtual coaching experience as it was experienced by these six school administrators.

We encourage you to share this virtual event with your students and colleagues!

Photo de Sophie Ménard

Sophie Ménard

Affiliate Researcher at CRECS

Adjunct Professor
Faculty of education, University of Ottawa

Photo de Association Danielle Boucher

Danielle Boucher

Director of Partnerships

Association québécoise du personnel de direction d’école (AQPDE) on the “Evaluation of a virtual leadership coaching program for French-language school principals in Quebec and France”.

Si vous avez besoin d'accommodement, veuillez s’il vous plait communiquer avec l'hôte de l'événement le plus rapidement possible
Date and time
Dec 7, 2023
12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Format and location
General public
Organized by
Faculty of Education