CRECS Noon-Hour Colloquium on January 25 with Joël Thibeault, Catherine Maynard et Florence Reid.
“The plurilingual teaching of vocabulary: Examples of teachers' practices in French Ontario"
Jan 25, 2024 — 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Dear member,
Join us on January 25 at noon EST for a discussion with Catherine Maynard (she), professor at Université Laval, Joël Thibeault (he), professor at the University of Ottawa, and Florence Reid (she), Master’s student at Université Laval, on the “The plurilingual teaching of vocabulary: Examples of teachers' practices in French Ontario”.
In 2023, the Ontario Ministry of Education launched a revised French curriculum framework for French-language schools. Faced with the linguistic heterogeneity that increasingly characterizes the province's school populations (Fleuret &Auger, 2019), the ministry, in the revised curriculum guidelines, invites teachers to make use of plurilingual approaches. These approaches are based on valuing and making the most of students' plural linguistic repertoires, enabling them to be recognized and appreciated for the complexity of their identities while promoting progressive learning of the language of instruction (Lory &Prasad, 2020). It is in this context that we conducted a descriptive study to document the plurilingual practices used by teachers in Ontario and Québec (n =20) to teach vocabulary, which is one of the most important dimensions of language learning and influences the development of reading skills (Anctil & Proulx, 2022). In this presentation, we will highlight the results of athematic analysis (Paillé & Mucchielli, 2021) of qualitative data from interviews with teachers working at different levels of schooling in Ontario. In line with the latest ministerial regulations, our paper will shed light on the practices of teachers who are moving away from the monolingual approach that has tended to underpin the teaching of French.
We encourage you to share this virtual event with your students and colleagues!

Joël Thibeault
University of Ottawa (il/he)

Catherine Maynard
Université Laval (elle/she)

Florence Reid
Master's student
Université Laval (elle/she)