The experience of students in French-language schools in a minority language context
Apr 12, 2023 — All day
As part of the activities of the Observatoire sur l'éducation en contexte linguistique minoritaire (OÉCLM) and the series on teacher retention and shortages, this event focuses specifically on relationships with students. The literature on teaching and the commitment of personnel to remain in the profession (in the context of teacher shortages) shows, among other factors, the degree to which the relationship with students is crucial.

As part of the activities of the Observatoire sur l'éducation en contexte linguistique minoritaire (OÉCLM) and the series on teacher retention and shortages, this paper focuses specifically on the relationship with students. The literature on teaching and the commitment of staff to remain in post (in a context of teacher shortage) shows, among other aspects, how crucial the relationship with students is. However, in a minority language context, we still know too little about this. This is why this study day will focus on the school experiences of students and will bring together young people, representatives of student associations and researchers whose expertise is specific to this theme. The mandate of French-language schools in minority language settings and the work of teachers will be examined through the eyes and experiences of students.
This symposium is being held as part of the activities of the Observatory on Education in a Minority Language Context. The Observatory provides a space for the dissemination of research and the mobilization of knowledge to meet the information needs of those working in a minority language context.
This symposium is supported by the University of Ottawa's Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, the Faculty of Education and the Collège des Chaires de recherches sur le monde francophone (CCRMF).
Schedule of the day:
9:45 Welcome, coffee and pastries
10:00 Opening of the conference
10:30 to 12:00 Lectures
- Kevin Naimi (Professor, Laval University): "The human cost of performance culture: Exploring the tension between caring and performance in the educational relationship
- Diane Farmer (Professor, University of Toronto): "Voix des jeunes à l’école de langue française : se sentir autorisé à prendre la parole"
- Yollande Dweme Mbukuny Pitta (Doctor of Education, University of Toronto): "Diversity of Practice: The Experiences of Teachers from Sub-Saharan Africa in their Relationship with Students in the Francophone Minority Context in Ontario
- Panel discussion moderated by : Nathalie Bélanger, Director of the Observatoire sur l'éducation en contexte linguistique minoritaire
12:00 pm Lunch served on site
1:00 to 2:30 p.m.
- Round table of representatives of youth associations with Addison Bond, Grade 11 student, École secondaire catholique Jeunesse-Nord and Vice-President of the Fédération de la jeunesse franco-ontarienne (FESFO), Jean Philippe Bisson, student, École Collège catholique Mer Bleue and President of the Fédération de la jeunesse franco-ontarienne (FESFO) and Haïfa Zemni, Grade 11 student, École secondaire publique Gisèle-Lalonde and Vice-President of the Fédération de la jeunesse franco-ontarienne (FESFO)
- Roundtable discussion moderated by Yollande Dweme Mbukuny Pitta and Nathalie Bélanger
2:30 to 3:00 PM Closing remarks
Panel of researchers:
- Kevin Naimi, PhD, assistant professor in the Department of Foundations and Practices in Education at L'Université Laval
- Diane Farmer, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Social Justice Education at OISE
- Yollande Dweme Mbukuny Pitta, PhD, professor, social worker-psychotherapist and consultant
Panel of student representatives:
- Jean Philippe Bisson, President of FESFO, grade 12 student at the Collège Catholique Mer-Bleue
- Addison Bond, Vice President, grade 11 student at É.S.C. Jeunesse-Nord
- Haïfa Zemni, Vice-President, grade 11 student at É.S.P. Gisèle-Lalonde

Yollande Dweme M. Pitta
College professor, social worker-psychotherapist and consultant
Yollande Dweme M. Pitta holds a collaborative PhD in Humanities, Social Sciences and Social Justice Education and a specialization in Education, Francophonie and Diversity from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto.
She also works in private practice as a social worker-psychotherapist and consultant in research, economic and community development in Francophone minority and Anglophone majority settings.
She has chaired several community organizations such as the Regroupement des intervenantes et des intervenants francophones en santé et en services sociaux de l'Ontario.

Diane Farmer
Associate Professor at OISE and sociologist
Diane Farmer is an associate professor in the Department of Social Justice Education at the Ontario Institute of Studies in Education. She is a member of the Centre de Recherche en Education Franco-Ontarienne and a member of the international research network on youth, l'Observatoire Jeunes et Société.
Her research is in the area of Francophone minority studies, Professor Farmer teaches courses in the sociology of education and in Francophone minority studies.

Kevin Naimi
Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Educational Sciences
Kevin Naimi is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Educational Sciences Department of Educational Foundations and Practice at L'Université Laval.His research focuses on the Sociology of Education, Inequality and equity in education, the philosophy of education, the sociology of creativity and social reproduction in schools, and the sociology of childhood and youth.

Jean Philippe Bisson
President of FESFO and grade 12 student at the Collège Catholique Mer-Bleue
Jean Philippe is a young person committed to his school and community. He represents the students of his school, Collège catholique Mer Bleu, in the student government as Deputy Premier, and he also served as Premier last year.
He has represented Franco-Ontarian youth as President of FESFO (Fédération de la jeunesse franco-ontarienne) since June 2022. He has also served on the FESFO Representative Council as Vice President and as the Ottawa region representative. He invests countless hours of volunteer work to contribute to the development of Franco-Ontarian youth, both in his local community of Ottawa and throughout the province of Ontario.

Addison Bond
Vice President of FESFO and grade 11 student at É.S.C. Jeunesse-Nord
Addison Bond is a Grade 11 student at École secondaire catholique Jeunesse-Nord in Blind River, Addison Bond is the Deputy Premier of her school's Student Parliament. She is also Vice President of the Fédération de la jeunesse franco-ontarienne (FESFO), the organization that represents the 25,000 young Francophones in Ontario since June 2022.

Haïfa Zemni
Vice-President of FESFO, grade 11 student at É.S.P. Gisèle-Lalonde
A grade 11 student at Gisèle-Lalonde public high school, Haifa is passionate about the Francophonie, politics and community service. Vice-president of the Fédération de la Jeunesse Franco-ontarienne and minister of the Francophonie at her school, Haifa devotes her time and energy to the cause of the Francophonie, to ensure its continuity and to give youth a voice within it.
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