Former International Pharmacy Graduates and the construction of a ‘legitimate’ Canadian pharmacist identity
Assembling the pieces through a bricolage approach
Mar 28, 2024 — 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.

Tim Mickleborough’s research explores how former international pharmacy graduates (or IPGs) construct professional identities. It is a study of the reprofessionalization of pharmacy practice in the Canadian context, and the resocialization of IPGs into a profession that is in transition. Tim Mickleborough adopts a bricolage methodological approach to capture the complexity of professional identity construction. A Foucauldian governmentality approach was employed to analyze an archive of professional journals to determine how the profession governs its members to become responsibilized subjects who will adopt a ‘legitimate’ pharmacist identity related to discourses of healthcare and business sustainability through professional intervention.

Tim Mickleborough
Tim Mickleborough BSP, MEd, PhD is a post-doctoral fellow at the Hospital for Sick Children under the supervision of Dr. Tina Martimianakis. His focus is on the learning environment and how organizations can create safe and productive spaces where medical trainees can thrive. He uses a critical qualitative lens to examine issues pertaining to professionalism, professional identity and the hidden curriculum.