Podcasting: A tool for mobilizing your research
Jan 25, 2024 — 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Join us for the next event in our Research Conversations Series entitled ''Podcasting: A tool for mobilizing your research'' with Stephen Hurley from voiceEd Radio, and Faculty of Education Professors Megan Cotnam-Kappel and Joel Westheimer. Register for this event happening on January 25, 2024 at 12 PM.

Event description
Are you looking for innovative ways to mobilize the knowledge from your research and do you think podcasts could be an interesting avenue to reach your target audiences? Join us for an overview of the benefits of podcasting for research knowledge mobilization and to learn more about existing resources to help you create your own podcast. You will also have the chance to engage with a panel of experts who have experience in creating podcasts in education.

Stephen Hurley
voicEd Radio
Stephen Hurley has been working in Canada’s education space for 40 years, serving as a classroom teacher, curriculum consultant, and teacher educator. Hurley is passionate about supporting the creation of audio content that connects the (sometimes) disconnected worlds of research and practice in education. He is the chief catalyst behind voicEd Radio—a 24/7 podcast network dedicated to deepening the way we talk about education in Canada.

Megan Cotnam-Kappel
University of Ottawa
Megan Cotnam-Kappel is an associate professor and specialist in the fields of Educational Technology and Minority-Language Education in the Faculty of Education. Her research agenda targets the empowerment of youth and teachers through the development of their digital literacy skills. Her research interests include the development of skills related to the Maker movement and coding as well as digital citizenship. She is deeply committed to teaching and research that aims to close the digital use divide for minority groups across Canada.

Joel Westheimer
University of Ottawa
Joel Westheimer is a full professor in the Faculty of Education, former University Research Chair in Democracy and Education, and education columnist for CBC Radio's Ottawa Morning. He has published numerous articles in newspapers, magazines and trade journals and has spoken to radio and television audiences on programs such as Good Morning America, More to Life, The Agenda, NBC TV News, C-Span, NPR and CBC.