one person interview

Members in the Media 2023


January 3 | John M. Richardson | Richardson: Welcome to the Brave New World of AI-enhanced education | Ottawa Citizen

January 5 | Andrew Hargreaves | The 2023 RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Influence Ranking | Education Week

January 21 | Giuliano Reis | L’école n’a pas la main verte | Francopresse

January 23 | Joel Westheimer and Tasha Ausman | University professors on Artificial Intelligence chatbot, ChatGPT | CBC Listen

January 24 | Nicholas Ng-A-Fook Decolonizing Professional Learning: Gathering Together for educational change | EdCan Network

January 24 | Tracy Vaillancourt | Violence against Toronto transit workers needs to be addressed, union president says | City News

January 24 | Linda Radford, and Ruth Kane The Urban Communities Cohort | EdCan Network

January 24 | Nicholas Ng-A-Fook | Professional Learning in a Community of Relations | EdCan Network

January 25 | Giuliano ReisL’enseignement de l’environnement négligé dans les écoles |Le Moniteur Acadien

January 31 | Lerona Lewis | New Quebec-based study suggests teaching practices hinder Black youth | Global News


February 5| Tasha AusmanInconsistency with high school exams a problem, say students and educators | CBC News

February 7 | Peggy KleinplatzWhat makes for a ‘great’ sex life? |   Knowable Magazine

February 10 | Awad IbrahimUne longue histoire noire à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard | La Voix Acadienne

February 15 | Mirela Moldoveanu35 millions pour l’éducation en français à l’Université d’Ottawa | Le Devoir

February 21 | Leona Dana LewisResearcher presents data on anti-Black racism in Montreal-area schools | CTV News

February 21 | Leona Dana Lewis | Quebec must address systemic racism in schools: researchers | The Montreal Gazette

February 26 | Tracy VaillancourtCanadian teens still struggling with mental health even as pandemic wanes | CBC News

February 27 | Tracy VaillancourtPaul W. Bennett: Canada's schools have descended into a violent hell and we let it happen | National Post

February 28 | Awad IbrahimAir Canada Proudly Salutes its Black Employees, Wraps Black History Month with Celebration Flight | Air Canada


March 2 | Sachin Maharaj | Schools need to address the real cause of the teen mental health crisis | Toronto Star

March 3 | Tracy Vaillancourt  | Kids Help Phone struggles to meet demand | CBC News: The National

March 7 | Emmanuel Duplàa | La pertinence des examens à l'ère numérique  | Radio Canada

March 9 | Tracy Vaillancourt  | Suicide attempts rose among children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially for girls  | The Conversation

March 21  | Pierre Calvé | Désastre du français écrit: quand on se compare, on se désole | LeDevoir

March 21  | Timothy J. Stanley Une lettre pour éviter les dérives envers les Sino-Canadiens | Radio Canada

March 24 | Robert-Falcon Ouellette‘You’re allowed to just be you’: Soup and bannock lunch builds community for students in Ottawa | Canada's National Observer

March 24 | Tasha Ausman | Who stands to gain the most and the least from a four-day school week? | CBC Listen

March 25 | Tracy Vaillancourt Warning signs key in school violence prevention, expert says | CBC


April 15 | John Richardson | Richardson: Here's how teachers can integrate AI chatbots into classrooms | Ottawa Citizen

April 26 | Trista HollweckMegan Cotnam-Kappel, Andy Hargreaves, Amal Boultif | Playing Out of the Pandemic : The Canadian Playful Schools NetworkEdCan Network

April 26 | Phyllis Dalley | Pandemic and Language Resilience in a Francophone Minority ContextEdCan Network

April 27 | Stephanie ChitpinKeep My Memory Safe: Fook Soo Am, The Pagoda | CTV News


May 3 | Stephanie Chitpin New memoir documents incredible life of local professor Stephanie Chitpin | 580 CFRA

May 3 | Joel Westheimer  | 
What is the role of Universities in 2023 and beyond? | CBC Listen

May 8 | Tracy Vaillancourt  | New study shows increases in depression and anxiety symptoms in youth during the pandemic | The globe and Mail 

May 31 | Tracy Vaillancourt  | Referees adopt body cameras confront abuse | CBC Listen


June 1st | Tracy Vaillancourt Ontario Soccer is introducing body cameras to curb ref abuse, but some say culture change starts with adults | CBC

June 5 | Tracy Vaillancourt | Violence is rising in schools. How do we stop it? | The Globe And Mail

June 9 | Amal Boultif L'impact de l'éducation par le jeu expliqué | Radio Canada

June 10 | Tracy Vaillancourt Our safe places suddenly feel unsafe. Here’s why Canada’s politicians are making it worse | Toronto Star

June 13 | Sachin Maharaj Canadian schools are experimenting with cellphone bans, but some parents say the devices are lifelines | CBC

June 14 | Joel Westheimer | To ban or to not ban cell phones in schools? | CBC listen

June 14 | Tracy Vaillancourt Orillia soccer club takes stand against on field abuse to support teen referees | CTV News

June 14 | Sachin Maharaj Should cellphones be banned from schools? | CBC News

June 19 | Joel Westheimer  and Tasha Ausman | CheatGPT? How some high school kids are using tech to get an edge on exams | CBC News

June 19 | Joel Westheimer and  Tasha Ausman |     En pleine période des examens, ChatGPT inquiète un lycée d’Ottawa | Radio Canada

June 19 | Stéphanie Chitpin | Professeure Stéphanie Chitpin : Arrivée à Maurice dans un panier d’oseille, elle revient sur ses origines | Le Mauricien

June 25 | Tracy Vaillancourt |  What to do if your child is struggling: Steps caregivers can take to help kids and teens with their mental health | The Conversation 

June 28 | Tracy Vaillancourt Road rage is heating up in Canada. How to deal with aggressive drivers | Global News


July 3 | Joel Westheimer | Losing education over the summer | CBC News

July 20  | Sachin MaharajWhen it comes to affirmative action, Canada has a long way to go | Toronto Star

July 21 | Trista Hollweck |  Pracademics,’ professors who work outside the academy, win new respect | The Washington Post

July 22 | Anne-Marie Dionne Programme-cadre du français : trop et trop vite | La Voix Du Nord

July 26 | Sachin Maharaj UNESCO calls for ban on smartphone use in classrooms | Global News


August 4 | Tracy VaillancourtHow You React to Bullying May Lessen Its Impact | Psychology Today

August 11 | Dany Laveaut | Un plan « d'amélioration » est en branle | Le Journal de Québec 

August 14 | Awad Ibrahim Why are African international students rejected so often for Canadian visas? | Toronto Star

August 16 | Tracy Vaillancourt How summer camps are helping support kids' mental health | CBC

August 17 | Phyllis Dalley Une deuxième année scolaire sans contrat de travail pour les profs en Ontario | 104.7 Outaouais

August 31 | Éric DionneTransport scolaire: le protecteur des élève est impuissant | 104.7 Outaouais

August 31 | Stephanie Chitpin | 20 great Canadian memoirs to read now | CBC


September 4 | Tasha Ausman | Questions about AI’s role in the classroom | CBC Listen

September 5 | Joel Westheimer | What's the point of university? | CBC

September 5 | John Richardson Richardson: Teaching climate change — how we can help empower students | Ottawa Citizen

September 7 | Sachin Maharaj Francophone schools in Manitoba banning cell phones in classrooms | CityNews 

September 8 | Joel Westheimer | Will a cell phone ban in schools work? | CBC Listen

Fall 2015 |  Joel Westheimer | UNEQUAL SCHOOLS, GENERATIONS OF POVERTY | UCLA Blue Print

September 16 | Andy Hargreaves West Kelowna school adopts play concept as teaching tool | KelownaCapNews

September 18 | John Richardson Richardson: Fall in Ottawa — when everything old is new again | Ottawa Citizen

September 27 | Joel Thibeault | Faut-il simplifier l’accord du participe passé | Radio Canada

September 27 | John M. Richardson Richardson: A teacher who does good work, this day and every day | Ottawa Citizen

September 28 | Robert-Falcon Ouellette Langues autochtones et réconciliation : «Qui fait le travail?» | Francopresse


October 2 | Joel Westheimer What do kids learn about gender diversity in schools? | Ottawa Citizen

October 4 | Minahil Assim | Driving Collaborations as a Stepping Stone for Change and Educational Reform: Lead the Change Interview with Minahil Asim | International Education News

October 6 | Shaily Gebethner, Abigail Manu Conférence : l’intelligence artificielle, le futur du milieu académique ?La Rotonde

October 9 | Tracy Vaillancourt Lorraine Explains: Moving in with a bad driver? It could cost you a lot | Driving

October 12 | Tasha-Ann AusmanCatholic school board enrolment much higher than projected | CBC News

October 26 | Awad Ibrahim | Awad Ibrahim is building capacity for EDI through courageous conversations | uOttawa Gazette

October 27 | Joel Thibeault | Utiliser d’autres langues pour apprendre le français | LeDevoir


November 2 | Andy Hargreavea | Teachers need more innovation, not more innovations | Worlds of Education

November 2| Tracy Vaillancourt | Hundreds of pedestrians get killed in Canada annually. How to stay safe this winter | Global News

November 2 | Douglas Fleming | Focus on Canada's linguistic diversity: Prof Dr Douglas Fleming gives guest lecture at the Saar Language Council | Sprachenrat-Saar

November 22 | Awad IbrahimMillions displaced amid mounting crisis in Sudan | CBC

November 25 | Tracy Vaillancourt | The Vicious Ways Women Compete | Youtube

November 29 | Robert-Falcon Ouellette | Se souvenir : l’héritage des vétérans autochtones | La Rotonde


December | Andy Hargreaves Promoting Identity in Schools: 12 Principles to Advance Inclusion and Equity, Principals Connections, Winter 2023

December 1 | Andy Hargreaves Identities can bring us together instead of stoking culture wars | Schools Week

December 5 | Tracy Vaillancourt | Examining the long lasting link between bullying mental health | CBC Listen

December 7 | Tasha-Ann Ausman |  AI and the Library Community: The Experts Are In | InformationToday

December 7 | Andy Hargreaves and Trista Hollweck | Playtime: It’s not just for recess anymore | Anglophone West School District 

December 7 | Christian Bergeron | Ottawa: la ville où il y a le plus de crime haineux au Canada | UniqueFM

December 9 | Jess Whitley | Online learning program for N.S. high school students expanding | CBC

December 9 | Joel Westheimer | TDSB to mull cellphone ban amid renewed concerns of distractions in class | CBC

December 11 | Joel Westheimer | Le plus gros conseil scolaire au pays pourrait limiter l’usage des téléphones intelligents | ICI TORONTO

December 11 | Joel Westheimer | Westheimer and Spooner: Stop the hand-wringing on education test scores. Canada is doing just fine | Ottawa Citizen

December 12 | Megan Cotnam-Kappel | 41 % des élèves ayants droit n’ont pas de place en école francophone | ONFR TFO

December 14 | Christian J. Y. Bergeron | The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is putting Canadian multiculturalism to the test | The Conversation

December 14 | Sharon Anne Cook | 2022-23 Alison Prentice Award | The Ontario Historical Society 

December 22 | Liliane DionneDiane CampeauIntegrating indigenous perspectives into elementary teaching | Green Teacher

December 26 | Robert-Falcon Ouellette | Cartographier les Grands Lacs au 18e siècle sans avoir mis les pieds au Canada | Radio-Canada

December 26 | Joel Westheimer | L’interdiction du cellulaire en classe en vigueur après les Fêtes au Québec | Le Devoir

December 29 | Sachin Maharaj | More Canadian schools to say no to smartphonesThe Canadian News