Voix Amplifiées, fall 2022
Volume 1 - Minoritaire, est-ce moi?
Nov 29, 2022 — All day
The first edition of Voix amplifiées, a CARFfI initiative launched and led by students in the Faculty of Education, is underway. Its objective is to be a vehicle for the stories, experiences and research interests of the francophone student body. To celebrate this project made possible through the financial support of the Faculty's Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, under the governance of Francis Bangou, we are pleased to invite the academic community to join us for a special event on November 29 at 3:30pm at the Resource Center (LMX 203).

About the event
About the journal:
This initiative does not pretend to be a traditional academic journal, but rather a hybrid journal that provides a space for students who wish to express themselves in French on issues that resonate with them. In particular, the journal aims to create a place where those on the periphery of local and regional Francophonies can have their voices heard, as inclusion should be based on mutual understanding.
This first edition of the journal Voix amplifiées features texts on the notion of minority, on the dynamics of inclusion and exclusion, and on the relationship between Self and Other in shared spaces.
Rationale :
Although the Canadian Ffrancophonies are evolving and self-defining spaces, the historical and fragmentary struggles that characterize their existence shed light on the socio-cultural and linguistic context in which Canadian minorities live (Bélanger and Dulude, 2020). Representing 4.3% of the Canadian population outside of Quebec (Statistics Canada, 2020), the Francophone community constitutes 31% of the University of Ottawa's student population (Gazette, 2021). The construction of a common understanding of Francophone identity is a current issue in this increasingly diverse community due to immigration and regional specificities, one that raises many questions. Often struggling to make themselves heard, Ffrancophonies cannot take the transmission of language and culture for granted. They must fight to survive. That said, the evolution of their mosaic implies a reconsideration of their own dynamics of power, inclusion and exclusion. Is Esther from Cameroon as francophone as Gilbert from Nova Scotia? AND, is Gilbert, who speaks Acadian, as Francophone as Esther who speaks Cameroonian Standard French? Who is included and who is not?

Elie Ndala
Doctoral candidate
Elie Ndala, a student at the University of Ottawa who broke the code. Ph.D. candidate, Ricard Scholar and teacher by training, Elie Ndala is interested in the social and professional integration of immigrants in francophone contexts as well as the reconstruction of intercultural relations in the educational sphere. He comes from a first-generation immigrant household and is determined to contribute to change leading to recognition, reparations and reconciliation between his community of origin and the one that adopted him.

Allison Gagné
Allison Gagné, a teacher mindful of her privilege. She became aware of it as a white teacher when she moved to Madagascar to teach French. She continued to explore this issue in her master's thesis, which focuses on the experiences of successful teacher education placements for sub-Saharan African interns.