TOP-SET Seminar: Morphological and Mechanical Stability of Non-Fullerene Organic Solar Cells
An NSERC CREATE TOP-SET Seminar with Dr. Harald Ade from North Carolina State University, United States
Sep 25, 2023 — 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.
A seminar on organic solar cells.
Event details
Abstract: Organic solar cells (OSCs) are one of the most promising cost-effective options for utilizing solar energy in high energy-per-weight or semi-transparent applications. Recently, the OSC field has been revolutionized through synthesis and processing advances, primarily through the development of numerous novel non-fullerene small molecular acceptors (NFA) with efficiencies now reaching >19% when paired with suitable donor polymers. The device stability and mechanical durability of these non-fullerene OSCs have received less attention and developing devices with high performance, long-term morphological stability, and mechanical robustness remains challenging, particularly if the material choice is restricted by roll-to-roll and benign solvent processing requirements and desirable ductility requirements. Yet, morphological and mechanical stability is a prerequisite for OSC commercialization. Here, we discuss our current understanding of the phase behavior of OSC donor:acceptor mixtures and the relation of phase behavior and the underlying hetero- and homo-molecule interactions to performance, processing needs (e.g., kinetic quenches), and morphological and mechanical stability.
This event is organized as part of the NSERC CREATE TOP-SET Program.
Guest speaker

Harald Ade
Professor, North Carolina State University, United States
A graduate of Stony Brook University, Harald Ade has been a faculty member at NCSU since Nov. 1992, rising through the ranks to Full Professor by 2001, and been named Distinguished Professor of Physics in 2014 and Goodnight Innovation Distinguished Professor in 2017. He has had an active and continually funded research program and served as Director of Graduate Program in Physics from 2006-2013. He has received numerous research awards and served on many advisory committees. He is a Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher in the field of Materials Science since 2017.

This seminar is funded by the University of Ottawa.