Black History Month: An eye towards research and innovation

By University of Ottawa

Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation, OVPRI

Research and innovation
Black History Month
Equity, diversity and inclusion
Faculty of Health Sciences
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Engineering
Bird's view of a resting area in the Social Sciences building
Exploration and innovation thrive when diversity is a feature of our research ecosystem. During Black History Month, we invite you to listen to three uOttawa professors, who are leading research in different fields, to hear about their experiences as Black academics. Learn from them in this short video series.

The researchers from the Faculty of Health Sciences, the Faculty of Education, and the Faculty of Engineering reflected on what this month means to them, and offered words of wisdom to empower Black youth who aspire to becoming researchers. 

Watch the series of three videos below.

Professor Idrissa Beogo

Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Nursing
University of Ottawa

This week, glimpse into the world of Professor Idrissa Beogo, whose research focuses on access to the health care system for racialized people, seniors in particular.

(Read the full video transcript).

Professor Lerona Lewis

Faculty of Education
University of Ottawa

Professor Lerona Lewis from the Faculty of Education joins us for Black History Month to share her experience as a Black academic. Learn about her research on Black youth as she shares powerful insights on how to empower the next generation of Black researchers.

(Read the full video transcript).

Professor Mamadou Fall

Faculty of Engineering
University of Ottawa 

Bid farewell to this year's Black History Month on a high note. Professor Fall from the Faculty of Engineering gives us a peek into his childhood inspirations while drawing solid insights from his experience empowering Black students and aspiring researchers.

(Read the full video transcript)