Benjamin Wiles

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Benjamin Wiles


Benjamin Wiles is Master of Laws (LL.M.) candidate at the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Law. He is the recipient of a Graduate Entrance Scholarship and a research fellow at the Centre for Environmental Law and Global Sustainability. Benjamin holds a dual common-civil law degree (LL.B., summa cum laude) from Tilburg University and the University of Edinburgh Law School. He also holds a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc., with honours) from Simon Fraser University and a Master of Science (M.Sc.) from McGill University.  

Benjamin’s research interests include the intersection and progressive integration of international human rights law and international environmental law, along with its implications for climate change policy. His LL.M. thesis, supervised by Professor Benidickson, broadly focuses on the role of climate litigation adjudicating a human “right to a healthy environment” in delineating both substantive and procedural obligations of the State towards environmental stewardship.