Learn more about our Obstetrical Anesthesia Fellowship with the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine

Program Overview

Our Obstetrical Anesthesia Subspecialty Team members have various backgrounds in terms of fellowship training, from different parts of the world; all have a very keen interest in promoting state-of-the- art obstetrical care.   We utilize our Cardiac Institute and its expertise to help out with “cardiac” moms, and have very close proximity to/association with the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) that proves vital in assisting with our higher risk babies.  Ultrasound is being employed on an escalating basis for epidural and spinal placement, particularly because we are experiencing that need in our bariatric parturients (~ 40%!).   We are also very fortunate to have a unique Research Committee within our Anesthesia Department that helps promote a strong basis for research, and assists with research output support in all of our Fellowship programmes. 

The Obstetrical Anesthesia Fellowship year is divided into two six-month blocks: one at each of the Civic and General campuses.  This is done mainly so that the Fellow gains a breadth of knowledge and experience from the more specialized high risk services offered at those respective sites.  There is a Fellowship Director at each campus so that the Fellow has an on-site reference person and “guide” for each placement.  The co-directors work very closely together to provide the best educational and clinical experience possible for the successful candidate.

Key Faculty

  • Dr. Mohamed Eissa
  • Dr. Marc Stalder

Goals and Objectives

  • Enhancement of Anesthesia Consultation skills in the assessment of Tertiary Care Obstetric Patients.
  • Enhancement of skills in Acute Pain Management for Labour and Delivery.
  • Enhancement of skills in Anesthesia for Cesarean Section.
  • Enhancement of skills in the management of peri-partum complications
  • Develop a Quality Assurance Programme for Obstetric Anesthesia in collaboration with his preceptors.
  • Design and initiate a Randomized Controlled Study in an area of Obstetric Anesthesia in collaboration with his preceptors.

After 12 months of concentrated training in obstetrical anesthesia, the Fellow should be proficient in describing/performing the following:

  • Maternal, placental and fetal physiology, methods for assessment
  • Normal and abnormal patterns of labour-obstetrical management
  • Obstetrical complications and their management (eg. Post-partum hemorrhage, amniotic fluid embolism, cervical cerclage, retained placenta, acute fetal distress, pre-ecalmpsia and eclampsia)
  • Regional anesthesia for obstetrics; local anesthetics; neuraxial opioids; standard techniques: CSE, PCEA, ambulatory epidurals
  • Alternatives for obstetrical analgesia during labour
  • General anesthesia for obstetrics (emergent and non-emergent)
  • Medical diseases during pregnancy, assessment and peri-operative management, critical care in pregnancy (eg. Cardiac pregnant patient, morbid obesity, concerns for the high risk fetus, ITP etc)
  • Anesthetic management of non-obstetric surgery during pregnancy
  • Ethical issues


 Postgraduate Medical Education - PGME | Faculty of Medicine (uottawa.ca)

For more details about application requirements, please click our Fellowship Application Instructions dropdown on the previous page.

Contact Us

Obstetrical Anesthesia Fellowship Co-Leads
Dr. Mohamed Eissa
Dr. Marc Stalder

Jo-Anne Villeneuve
Fellowship Program Administrator
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
[email protected]