The Health Sciences Library at RGN has a number of events and workshops lined up this winter to help support you in your work or studies. The following events have been designed for learners and staff; faculty members are more than welcome to attend.
The Dog’tor is in: Pet Therapy sessions at the Health Sciences Library
Starts, Monday January 21, 12-1:00 pm
Pet Therapy sessions with Pablo, also known as the Dog’tor, will start again on Monday, January 21st 2019 from noon to 1:00 pm in the foyer of the Health Sciences Library. See the full schedule of the planned pet therapy sessions.
Mindful behaviour with our mobile devices
Friday, February 8, 12:00-12:45
This workshop examines how we use our mobile devices and asks how we might use them in more helpful ways. Topics covered include effects of non-mindful device use and actions that could help mitigate these effects.
Group work with Google apps
Monday, February 25, 12:00-12:45 pm
This workshop looks at how we can create collaborative documents with Google apps more effectively. Topics covered include approaches to collaboration and helpful tools in Google apps.
Introduction to 3D printing
Monday, January 28, 12:00-12:45 pm
In this workshop you will learn the basics on how to 3D print objects on the two 3D printers available at the Health Sciences Library.
Tuesday, February 12, 12:00-12:45 pm
Interested in Covidence but don't know where to start? Covidence is a web-based platform that streamlines the production of comprehensive literature reviews, including systematic reviews, scoping reviews, meta-syntheses, and meta-narratives.
Citation Managers
Need help organizing your references while writing papers? Take one of our citation management workshops to learn how a specific citation manager can help you organize your references, create bibliographies and create in-text citations. Workshops are available for Endnote, Endnote Basic, Mendeley and Zotero.
Endnote: Thursday, January 31, 12:00-12:45pm
Endnote Basic: Tuesday, January 29, 12:00-12:45pm
Mendeley: Tuesday, February 5, 12:00-12:45pm
Zotero: Wednesday, January 23, 12:00-12:45pm
Anatomy Resources
Wednesday, March 6, 12:00-12:45pm
The human body has not changed for thousands of years, but our tools are revolutionizing anatomy learning! Come and discover some of our resources that explore the human body, in photos, movement and sound.
Can’t find what you are looking for or the time isn’t convenient? No problem, workshops on demand are tailored to meet your needs. Workshops can be requested by affiliated members of the University of Ottawa (faculty, staff, researcher and students). Fill out the form and indicate which topic(s) you would like us to cover during the workshop.