Crystal Plume Angers

Crystal Plume Angers
Crystal Plume Angers
Lecturer, Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa


613-737-7700 ext. 70030


Crystal Plume Angers has been a member of the Medical Physics community for over 20 years and has worked in industry, in medical device development and isotope production, and in the hospital as a clinical Physicist.  She holds an M.Sc. in Medical Biophysics from the University of Western Ontario and is a member and fellow of the Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine. Crystal has been a Medical Physicist at the Ottawa Hospital Cancer Centre since 2006 where she focuses her efforts on Quality and Safety in radiation medicine, including oversight of the linac quality control program.  Crystal has served on the board of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists (COMP) as Treasurer since 2012 and is currently Co-Chair of the Cancer Care Ontario Radiation Incident and Safety Committee (CCO - RISC).

Crystal’s research and development interests are in the areas of Radiotherapy Quality Assurance,  Radiotherapy Equipment Quality Control and Radiotherapy Incident Learning.  Crystal plays a major role in the ongoing development of QATrack+, an open source QC data management system.  QATrack+ is a web based application designed to store, track and trend machine QC test data. Current development is focused on the incorporation of machine service event logs and the associated workflow.

Her publication list can be accessed on her Google Scholar page.