Dr. Audrey Boisvert

Dr. Audrey Boisvert
Dr. Audrey Boisvert
Clinical Pharmacist, CHEO and Assistant Clinical Professor at the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

PharmD, University of Montreal, 2012
MSc Advanced Pharmacotherapy, University of Montreal, 2013


Dr. Audrey Boisvert has been evolving professionally in the field of pharmacy since she was in high school. After working as a pharmacy technical assistant, she began studying pharmacy and decided to pursue a master’s degree so she could work in the hospital environment. She did her residency at CHU Sainte-Justine, where she developed an interest and expertise in pediatric pharmaceutical care. Prior to joining the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) as a clinical pharmacist, Dr. Boisvert worked at the Hôpital de Gatineau in the pediatric, neonatology, obstetrics and maternity units. She is also involved in drug distribution services. Audrey Boisvert was a member of the executive committee of the Conseil des médecins, dentistes, pharmaciens of the Outaouais CISSS from 2016 to 2019, and served on the board of directors of the Association des conseils des médecins, dentistes et pharmaciens du Québec from 2017 to 2021.


  • Pharmacotherapy
  • Pharmaceutical practice

Research Projects

  • Boisvert A, Gagnon N, Poungui L-A, Tremblay C, Lafrenière A. Évaluation de l’impact de la diffusion d’une ordonnance préimprimée sur la quantité d’antibiotiques administrés pour l’infection intra-amniotique suspectée à l’Hôpital de Gatineau. Poster presented at: 4e édition de la journée de la recherche; June, 2021; Gatineau. https://cfsmo.cisss07.ca/affiches-jdr-2021/
  • Boisvert A, Bélanger E-M, Vanasse A. Évaluation du circuit du médicament en pédiatrie à l'Hôpital de Gatineau. Poster presented at: Journée de la recherche; June, 2018; Gatineau.
  • Yang M, Doyon-Lapointe A, Boisvert A, Bonnier M, Corny J, Bussières J-F. Exposition et perceptions des étudiants en pharmacie et des pharmaciens à la législation pharmaceutique : Expérience Québécoise. Le Pharmacien Hospitalier et Clinicien. 2016;51(4):298-303. doi:10.1016/j.phclin.2016.01.076
  • Boisvert A, Gagnon N. Description des activités pharmaceutiques effectuées dans les unités de pédiatrie, de néonatalogie et de maternité à l’hôpital de Gatineau. Poster presented at: Congrès annuel de l’Association des pharmaciens des établissements de santé du Québec (A.P.E.S.); April, 20215; Québec. URL

Awards and Nominations

  • CHU Sainte-Justine Mother-child Pharmacotherapy award (2015), CHU Sainte-Justine 
  • CMDP New Star award (2015), Centre de santé et services sociaux de l'Outaouais
  • CPhA Centennial Leadership Award (2011), Canadian Pharmacists Association