Dr. Claire Foottit

Dr. Claire Foottit
Dr. Claire Foottit
Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa


613-737-7700 ext. 70015


Dr. Claire Foottit is currently a Medical Physicist in the Radiation Medicine Program at the Ottawa Hospital.  She joined the program in 2010 as a medical physics resident and became a full staff member in 2012.   She is also a Clinical Investigator at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute.  Before joining the Radiation Medicine Program she obtained her PhD in medical physics from Carleton University in 2010 studying dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging.  Her current research interests involve the integration of MRI imaging into the radiation therapy planning workflow including gynecological brachytherapy.  Her clinical responsibilities focus on treatment planning, imaging and brachytherapy including radiation safety in the brachytherapy program.  She is currently certified as a medical physicist in both radiation oncology and magnetic resonance imaging through the Canadian College of Medical Physicists.  She also enjoys teaching medical physics in both formal and informal settings.

Her publication list can be accessed on her Google Scholar page.