Dr. Daniel La Russa

Dr. Daniel La Russa
Dr. Daniel La Russa
Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa


613-737-7700 ext. 75427


Dr. La Russa is a clinical medical physicist in the Radiation Medicine Program at The Ottawa Hospital.  He is also an assistant professor in the Department of Radiology at the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Medicine, and a Clinician Investigator at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. His research interests span the areas of radiation dosimetry and quality control, radiotherapy plan evaluation and outcomes modelling, positional tracking techniques in radiotherapy, and applications of virtual reality in medicine.  Dr. La Russa is involved in the training of medical physics residents and has served as a member of the Science and Education Committee for the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists.  He became a Fellow of the Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine in 2016.

His publication list can be accessed on his Google Scholar page.