Dr. Emily Fernandes

Dr. Emily Fernandes
Dr. Emily Fernandes


The Ottawa Hospital, 501 Smyth Rd, Ottawa, ON K1H 8L6
(613) 798-5555


Dr. Fernandes has an Honours Bachelors in Science in Biology and Research Psychology from Wilfrid Laurier University. She earned her M.D. from St. Matthew’s University. She completed her psychiatry residency at the University of Ottawa. She is working at the TOH-Civic Outpatient Department Urgent Care Clinic and On Track First Episode Psychosis Program. She has an interest in psychosis, in particular early psychosis, and will also be conducting research related to psychotic disorders. She is also interested in medical education and currently the Department of Psychiatry's Director for Undergraduate Medical Education. In addition to her work at TOH, Dr. Fernandes is providing a mix of outpatient care and on-call care at Cornwall Community Hospital.