Dr. Gary Viner
Dr. Gary Viner
Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine



Having completed a Family Medicine Residency in 1980, Dr. Gary Viner became a faculty member of the Department of Family Medicine in 1983 and an Associate Professor in 2005, practicing until 2001 in a community-based office teaching practice including low-risk obstetrical and inpatient care. He was the first Director of the Civic ALC (Alternate Level of Care) unit from 1991 to 2001 and he was the Head of the Department of General Practice at the Ottawa Civic Hospital from 1994 until the amalgamation to create the Ottawa Hospital in 1998. In 2001, he moved into the Civic Family Medicine teaching unit as its Medical Director for almost five years and then assumed the role of Unit Program Director. In 2010, while on a year of Academic leave he completed a M.Ed. at University of Ottawa and developed a research project that provided a focus for a two-year AIME Fellowship. Simultaneously, he was appointed Director of Evaluation for the Department of Family Medicine. The fellowship evolved to a grant-supported research project to develop an effective Resident Practice Profile to connect clinical experiences to Family Medicine curriculum objectives.  Collaborating with other educational leaders in Family Medicine, he has developed paper-based and more recently web-based approaches to formative feedback using Field notes and summative assessments using Benchmarks and Action-oriented evaluation scales.