Dr. Justin Sutherland

Dr. Justin Sutherland
Dr. Justin Sutherland
Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa


613-737-7700 ext. 70036


Dr. Justin Sutherland is a clinical medical physicist at the Ottawa Hospital. He obtained his MSc in Medical Physics from McGill University and his PhD in Medical Physics from Carleton University. Following his PhD, he did a clinical residency in radiation oncology physics at The Ottawa Hospital – subsequently becoming a member of the Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine and joining The Ottawa Hospital as a staff physicist. He currently works full time at The Ottawa Hospital as a clinical physicist and is an assistant professor with the Department of Radiology.

Apart from clinical duties and clinical development projects, Justin currently pursues research in developing and applying novel virtual reality and tracking technologies in medicine, both with the department of radiology and the radiation medicine program. These efforts have led to his founding and leading realizeLAB, a research initiative from the Division of Medical Physics of the University of Ottawa Department of Radiology.  The lab is currently pursuing a number of collaborative projects with radiologists, surgeons, and radiation oncologists throughout the Ottawa Hospital.

His other research interests involve the application of machine learning techniques to radiation oncology.

His publication list can be accessed on his Google Scholar page.