- 2021-2026 Excellence Plan
Thursday, September 2, 2021
Message from the Chair
I am thrilled to present you with the Department of Radiology 2021-2026 Excellence Plan. I want to thank the many colleagues who gave up of their personal time to contribute to this plan. At least 70% of Departmental members contributed in some way, so I am confident that it is a true reflection of your thoughts and aspirations for the Department.
Strategy is the keystone of business success. We have succeeded in creating an academic plan that is reflective of the multiple institutions and specialties our department represents, thereby assuring its relevance and success. The creation of this plan is really the beginning of our journey. It is intended to be dynamic, and the priorities we set may be revisited and refined over the course of its execution, so your continuous engagement is appreciated.
I have previously reminded the group that operational effectiveness is not strategy, and strategy is not a polar opposite of operational effectiveness. Together they are the means to harness our good intent and ensure the choices we make align with a calculated path to success.
While effectiveness is important for competitive advantage, strategy is about differentiation. It means deliberately choosing a different set of behaviors, activities, and processes to deliver a unique mix of value. However, as I heard from many practice plans, achieving a sustainable strategic position does require tradeoffs with positions that are incompatible.
As Michael Porter (Harvard Business review) wrote, “With so many forces at work against making choices and tradeoffs in organizations, a clear intellectual framework to guide strategy is a necessary counterweight”. Through this planning process, we have created the “clear intellectual framework” needed to ensure the Department creates an environment conducive to empowering you to realize your full professional potential. So, in essence, this plan is about setting a path to the future and creating a legacy to pass on to the next generation of Department of Radiology members.
By defining, our mission, vision, and values you have defined what the Department of Radiology means to you. Emerging from your enthusiastic participation and responses to the planning process is an overwhelming commitment to excellent patient care, compassion, respect, reputation, empathy, humanity, and work ethic. These descriptors are the epitome of the image we have of our collective selves, and the image or “brand” we want to project to our patients, colleagues, and institution. Tom Peters sums up the emotions embodied in a brand. “A brand is ultimately about nothing more (and nothing less) than heart. It’s about passion...what you care about. It’s about what’s inside–what’s inside you, what’s inside your company.” It was heartening for me to feel the deep emotion expressed by many participants when defining who we are as a department. I hope the passion to attain our ideal values continues to resonate well past the current plan. I encourage you to reflect on your personal brand and make a conscious effort to align these with the collective, within the Department of Radiology.
As Chair I remain deeply grateful for the privilege of leading the Department of Radiology. I remain committed to providing the environment that will ignite your passion and leverage our clinical and academic skillset for the benefit of all our regional partners and most importantly our patients.
Richard - NASCI Recipients
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Dr. Carole Dennie was named Vice-president of the North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging (NASCI) at its 50th anniversary in-person conference in Boston from September 19-21st. In 2023-24, she will be the 7th woman and first Canadian president of the Society. One of our first Thoracic Imaging Fellows in the Department of Radiology, Dr. Prachi Agarwal (left in picture), now at the University of Michigan, was named Secretary of the Society! Kudos to our prior trainee! - First National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Thursday, September 30, 2021Thank you to everyone who reflected on September 30 for the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, also known as Orange Shirt Day. TOH marked this important day by encouraging staff to take time to reflect and learn more about residential schools and their devastating impact on Indigenous communities and peoples in Canada.
Dr. Susan Peddle receives gratitude award pin
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Dr. Susan Peddle was awarded a gratitude award pin by a grateful donor who has honoured her with the pin and had these words to share: "You continue to make a difference Dr. Peddle. Thank you for everything you have done for me and what you continue to do for others. I know your patients feel valued, and appreciate your honest, compassionate and informed approach to care." -
Dr. William D Miller, MD, elected as FACR
Friday, October 1, 2021
Congratulations to Dr. William D Miller, MD, on being elected to become a Fellow of the American College of Radiology (FACR)! -
Welcome, Alvy Catap! New Educational Administrative Assistant
Monday, October 4, 2021Welcome, Alvy!
Alvy is our newest DoR administrative team member who will be supporting Vanessa Manning for the CME events as the Educational Administrative Assistant. She's a recent graduate from Willis College and Algonquin College - Medical Administration who was hired after fulfilling her placement. Her duties include:
Assistance with the cataloguing, synthesizing, and developing of CME content, including on demand Continuing Professional Development
- Assistance to the Events, Communications and Stakeholder Relations Coordinator including the creation, advertising, hosting and updating of social media and website content amongst other educational initiatives
- Assistance with the medical student and resident based CME learning modules
- Dr. Elka Miller appointed Full Professor
Wednesday, October 6, 2021
Dr. Elka Miller has been appointed Full Professor following a review by the Joint Committee of the Senate and the Board of Governors of the University of Ottawa. - Unveiling of Dr Eapen's Commemorative Plaque
Thursday, October 14, 2021
On October 14th, the Radiation Medicine Program at the Ottawa Hospital unveiled a commemorative plaque in honor of our beloved colleague, teacher and mentor Dr. Libni Eapen who passed away in September 2020. The plaque was placed next to Room 1 in Radiation South where Dr. Eapen would lead his busy OBS practice. Many touching tributes and anecdotes about Dr. Eapen were shared during this unveiling. - Boehringer Ingelheim grant recipient
Monday, October 18, 2021
Congratulations to Dr. Carolina Souza who secured a Boehringer Ingelheim grant to support multidisciplinary meetings related to interstitial lung disease. - PGY3s return to SimCentre simulation program
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
We were recently able to restart our SimCentre simulation program at the University of Ottawa Skills and Simulation Centre with the first session on Oct 19. The PGY3 residents were able to practice some of their procedural skills under the close mentorship of Drs. Geoffrey Doherty and Karl Smyth. Later that evening, the PGY5 residents were able to practice their CT biopsy skills led by Dr. Joseph O'Sullivan. Thank you to all moderators for your dedication! - Scantrainer Purchase
Friday, October 22, 2021We have purchased a Scantrainer in conjunction with Departments of Obs Gyn, ED and in partnership with uOSSC. This is a remarkable simulation aid described below that will facilitate learners in acquiring the experience needed to perform complex ultrasound scans on patients.
- It is an education tool using real patient scans with curriculum-based teaching
- ScanTrainer uses haptic devices with realistic landmarks to replicate multiple patient shapes and provide realistic/real-time sensory feedback
- Subject areas include detailed modules in obstetrics, gynecology, general ultrasound and emergency medicine
- Both introductory and advanced course-sets, from basics to subspecialty modules
- Ability to mark/track performance based on expert metrics, which allows trainees to self-learn at their own pace, while also allowing supervision and direction
- 27th Annual Canadian Preparation and Review Course in Radiation Oncology
Monday, November 29, 2021The Annual Canadian Refresher Course event was organized by Drs. Graham Cook, Chunzi Jenny Jin, and Jean-Marc Bourque. It is designed to provide radiation oncology residents, clinicians in practice, and other members of the Canadian radiation oncology community with a comprehensive review and update of clinical practice across most sub-disciplines of radiation oncology. This educational forum has been designed as an intensive online course over 6 days, including lectures for 5 days, from Sunday, November 28 to Thursday, December 2, 2021. A simulation of the FRCPC examinations in written format is included for all registrants and a simulation of the FRCPC oral examination reserved for 2022 royal college examinees!
RSNA Achievements
Friday, December 17, 2021Congratulations to trainee's and staff! We would like to acknowledge the following achievements at RSNA 2021:
Cum Laude. "Is it treatment-related change or disease progression? Looking beyond size with diffusion and perfusion imaging.
"Shivaprakash Hiremath, Karine Massicotte-Tisluck, Vimoj Nair, NaderZakhari, Thanh Binh Nguyen -
Certificate of Merit. Identified for Radiographics."Cochlear Imanpltation - A Systematic Approach to Preoperative Radiological Evaluation.
"Shivaprakash Hiremath, David Schramm, Santanu Chakraborty. -
Certificate of Merit. Common And Unusual Intradural Extramedullary Masses. Are You Sure You Have Seen It All?
Sofia Velasco, Paulo Puac,Angela Guarnizo, Juan Pablo Cruz, Fanny Moron, Francisco Rivas,Carlos Torres. -
Cum Laude. Identified for Radiographics.Dynamic Ultrasound As A Problem-solving Tool: Techniques, Tips And Tricks.
Flores DV, Bohyn C,Cresswell M. - Cum Laude. Identified for Radiographics.Pubic Symphysis: Anatomy,Pathologic Conditions And Imaging Findings.
- Flores DV, Umpire DF,Pathria MN, Cresswell M.
- Certificate of Merit. Identified for Radiographics. Ultrasound And MR Imaging Of Pelvic Tendon Injuries. Ultrasound And MR Imaging Of Pelvic Tendon Injuries. Flores DV, Umpire DF, Cresswell M, Sampaio ML, Pathria MN.
Identified for Radiographics. Distal Radioulnar Joint: Anatomy,Pathologic Conditions And Imaging Findings. Flores DV, Umpire DF,Jibri Z, Rakhra K.
Dr. Jean Seely in receives a Gratitude Award pin
Friday, December 17, 2021
Congratulation's, Dr. Jean Seely received a Gratitude Award Pin! A grateful patient who said: "Thank you for your dedication" -
Happy Retirement Drs. Samy EI-Sayed, Laval Grimard and Ian Cameron
Friday, December 17, 2021
On December 10, we bid farewell to Grimard and Dr.El-Sayed from the Division of Radiation Oncology. On Dec 17, Dr. Ian Cameron, Senior medical physicist, had his farewell party via Teams.We thank them all for their years of service and wish them much health and happiness in retirement!
2021 News

Please find below all the news from the year 2021.