2024 MSSRP – Social Accountability Priority Area Recipients

Faculty of Medicine
Research and innovation
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The Social Impact Funding Program – Medical Summer Student Research Program (MSSRP) stream is a continued collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine’s Research Office, offering two ways of student engagement in research for the program’s social accountability priority area: faculty-initiated and community-led. This year, we matched 7 students to projects. All participating students were invited to attend knowledge and progress sharing sessions throughout the summer to enhance overall student experience.  


LearnerProject TitleSupervisor
Julia FagenEnvironmental scan of Ottawa-based organizations supporting Crisis Response and Wraparound Services for Mental Health and Substance UsLiz Wigfull and Sahada Alolo, Ottawa Guiding Council for Mental Health and Addictions Secretariat
Solène MartinMental Wellbeing Response Team (MWRT)Logan Martin, Ottawa Paramedic Service
Sayed Mohammed BehbehaniRacialized Youth Mental Health Resilience/Youth Mental HealthReuben Nashali, Social Planning Council of Ottawa
Sierra Land and Jordyn LindersOttawa Regional Profiles Literature ReviewKady Carr, Ottawa Neighbourhood Study team, Faculty of Medicine


LearnerProject TitleSupervisor
Paul LoudovskiEmpowering older adults from linguistic and ethno-cultural minority groups to co-design recommendations for improvements to care and service delivery in the Montfort Hospital Emergency Department and surrounding community.Dr. Jonathan Gravel
Jessica BrownEvaluating participatory approach to social justice in researchDr. Vivian Welch
Laila FazalValidating clinical indicators for a safe early hospital discharge at less than 24 hours for healthy, term newborns and reviewing health complications of newborns discharged in the Montfort Postnatal Care at Home Program.Dr. Julie Nault
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