CI3 scholarship recipients

Faculty of Medicine
Centre for Infection, Immunity and Inflammation
Stack of coins and a piggy bank
CI3 is pleased to announce the recipients of summer scholarships!
  • Student: Mehdi Benlarbi
    Supervisor: Dr. Marceline Côté
    Project: Characterization of SARS-CoV-2 activation by MMPs for syncytia formation and viral entry
  • Student: Colin O'Dwyer
    Supervisor: Dr. Michele Ardolino
    Project: Lactic acid, a new mediator of PD-L1 driven immune suppression
  • Student: Yudhvir Bhatti
    Supervisor: Dr. Jim Sun
    Project: Decoding the function of SIX1 during Salmonella infection
  • Student: Isha Achar
    Supervisor: Dr. Subash Sad
    Project: Impact of Foxo3a on myelopoiesis

Each student will receive $5,000 from CI3.