The Faculty of Medicine's Convocation is an exciting event for our graduates. In a ceremony at the beautiful Shaw Centre on June 11, 2023, graduates received their diplomas alongside students from the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Engineering.

The event brought together graduates from the Faculty’s MD, MD/PhD, Translational and Molecular Medicine (TMM) and Graduate Studies programs in a joint ceremony.

The downtown Ottawa venue was filled with family and friends celebrating with their graduating loved ones. In consideration of those unable to attend, the University arranged for a live stream of the proceedings. As a result, precious memories of the celebration are now readily available on the University of Ottawa YouTube page.

Professional photographers recorded graduates throughout the event with their families and friends to commemorate our new alumni’s accomplishments.

The Faculty also interviewed several graduates from our various programs to shed light on the incredible journeys, the guidance and support they received along the way, and their vision for the future. Check out the links below as well as the Faculty’s social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter) to discover these remarkable stories.

Congratulations to all graduates!
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