It’s been less than two years since CityStudio launched its Ottawa branch, but already the creativity of local students has sparked innovative solutions designed to tackle social challenges and improve the well-being of the city’s residents.
Earlier this month, learners from the Faculty of Medicine were among 11 student groups invited to City Hall to showcase their innovative ideas to promote the health and well-being of Ottawa residents in the presence of Mayor Mark Sutcliffe and other city officials at HUBBUB 2024.
HUBBUB, CityStudio Ottawa’s celebratory end-of-year student project showcase and networking event, highlighted some of the work of the 587 students from across the city who have participated in the CityStudio initiative this year. Students were invited to submit their projects for judging by a panel, with 11 projects selected to be showcased at the event. The top project from each postsecondary institution was selected for an oral presentation.

Mayor Sutcliffe was joined by city councillors, school deans and other invited guests as learners presented their winning ideas. The winning project from uOttawa was presented by first-year MD student Chelsea Zhang.
Projects from Faculty of Medicine learners showcased at the event included:
- Presented: Shifting Attitudes towards Substance Use Health and Stigma
- Student lead: Chelsea Zhang, for Faculty professor Dr. Lina Shoppoff
- Read about the project’s objectives and potential for impact
- Showcased: A Follow-Up Evaluation of the Ottawa Paramedic Service’s Pilot Program: The Mental Wellbeing Response Team (MWRT)
- Student leads: Marina Guirguis and Cara Pilgrim, for Faculty professor Dr. Claire Kendall
- Read about the project’s objectives and potential for impact
- Showcased: Referral Pathways for Mental Health, Addictions & Substance Use Health Urgent Care Centre
- Student lead: Maela Kaminski, for Faculty professor Dr. Tara Elton-Marshall
- Read about the project’s objectives and potential for impact

CityStudio Ottawa was launched in November 2022, as a collaboration between the University of Ottawa's Community Engagement and Employability Team, the Faculty of Medicine and the City of Ottawa in the initiative designed to promote experiential learning opportunities for students, all while improving residents’ health and well-being in the nation’s capital.
A year later, the organization expanded to welcome new partners Carleton University and Algonquin College, boosting efforts to launch hands-on projects and co-create solutions to meet local challenges.
City staff develop ideas for projects that align with Ottawa’s Community Safety and Well-Being Plan priorities and the priorities of the City of Ottawa’s Strategic Plan. They are then matched with expertise among the academic partnerships, with students co-creating solutions with City staff, faculty, and community members.
This year, many projects focused on addressing the housing crisis in our region. Overall, City staff led 33 project proposals which were matched with students and faculty members from all three institutions.
Faculty of Medicine learners participating in CityStudio Ottawa range from medical students to graduate students enrolled in the Concentration in Global Health and Social Accountability.
Through their creativity and diversity, CityStudio Ottawa’s students are gaining vital real-world experience as they bring value to communities and address the City’s critical challenges.

The 11 projects are on display at a standing exhibit at Ottawa City Hall from April 11 to 26, 2024.
Learn more on the CityStudio Ottawa website.
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